With any worldwide event comes the blight of society called human opinion.
While many opinions are harmless, and many are even helpful,
the opinion of certain peoples is nothing but incorrect drivel.
During this worldwide quarantine, misinformation has eroded away at the
minds of the general populus like a plague.
Anti-Maskers and Anti-Vaxxers have
released countless "articles" and "100% accurate research papers" trying to make
some contrived reason why their stupid decisions is more important than the lives of
those around them, including those of their own family. They have taken to misaprorpiating
a catchphrase of the Women's Rights movement, "My Body My Choice", and used that phrase to
try and get away with denying masks and the COVID-19 vaccine (which hasn't even been invented yet).
Another favorite idea of conspiracy theorists, and Facebook "Information Warriors",
is the idea that COVID-19 is some kind of supervirus, invented as a Chinese biological weapon to take over the world.
There is another conspiracy theory to the origins of COVID-19, and that is the rise in 5G technology. Conspiracy theorists
have taken to blaming 5G technology and Bill Gates for the virus. They have claimed that Bill Gates has invented a fake virus
to force people to take the COVID-19 vaccine, which they claim has a microchip in it, that can be used to do something, what that
thing is, they refuse to tell us, because they don't know, because there is no microchip in the vaccine, that doesn't even exist yet, and
that isn't being developed by Bill Gates.